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Monthly Yoga Newsletter Archives
Stay updated with the latest in yoga—emerging trends, health benefits, and diverse practices. Discover how ancient traditions meet modern innovation and how yoga is shaping wellness and community lifestyles worldwide. Read our newsletter and be part of the global conversation on yoga’s evolving journey
You Love Yoga, We Love Yoga—Let’s Stay Connected
Get yoga tips, a little inspiration, and friendly emails—because yoga is better with friends.
February 2025 Yoga Newsletter
Some Spinning Plates Have Landed
Things firmed up at the 11th hour, so I’m a little late sending you the monthly newsletter. But I’m sure you will think it was worth the wait.
First order of business: Remember when you said you wanted Restorative Yoga Teacher Training? (If you don’t remember, read the last newsletter.) We recently partnered with Lasiter Yoga for Judith Hanson Lasater’s Restorative Teacher Training. More Details Below.
Second order of business: The Asana at Home 300 Yoga Teacher Training will kick off shortly. Christina Raskin is bringing her much-loved 300 RYT customized for the Asana at Home content and crowd, with a great blend of on-demand and interactive learning. Psst…the courses you are in the process of or have completed with us may count toward your hours (including Judith Lasater’s Training). Join us for the info session. Details below.
More things are in store, so stay tuned.
This is what I have for you This Month – Kevin
- 300 Hour Info Session
- Restorative Yoga Teacher Training
- Whats New on the Yoga Blog
- Online Yoga Teacher Training
- Yoga Classes
If you have any comments or questions regarding the Blog Posts, Training, etc., please let us know.
January 2025 Yoga Newsletter
(Drum Roll)… And the Results are in
Happy New Year! I hope you had a wonderfully restful time over the holidays. I sure did.
Now, I’m back to work, and there is nothing like the survey results to set some priorities for 2025. We have known for a while that Chair Yoga is a hit, and Christina has been developing advanced training for the last few months. What surprised me was how overwhelming the votes for Restorative Yoga Training were. Also, we got some great suggestions for other training and classes we should offer.
Interestingly, as much as a survey confirms what you know, it shows you what you don’t know. Thank you for showing me that.
Here is what I have for you this Month – Kevin
- Survey Results
- New Blog Posts
- Healing Your Chakras Course – NEW PRICE
- 2025 Yin Yoga Teacher Training Dates
- New Mat Pilates 101 Certification
If you have any comments or questions regarding the Blog Posts, Training, etc., please let us know.
December 2024 Yoga Newsletter
It’s the Most Wonderful time of the Year
Every Year, there are a couple of pauses or slowdowns in the Yoga Biz, December being one of them. I look forward to these moments, as they give me time to reflect and make plans for the future.
Christina and I had a deep-dive meeting yesterday, covering everything from what worked and what didn’t, what to continue, and what to change or try. We also talked about where we are successful in our roles and where we need support. Basically, we gave each other an informal employee evaluation. And it was her working anniversary, so we talked about that, too.
One thing we discussed, and the numbers don’t lie, is that you, our customers, overwhelmingly support our new yoga courses. So, from now on, we will actively seek more customer input on what new yoga courses to launch. So stay tuned because sometime in the near future, you may get an email survey or a call from one of us.
Here is what I have for you this Month – Kevin
- 2025 Yin Yoga Teacher Training Dates
- 200 Hour YTT Registration is Open
- New Mat Pilates 101 Certification
- Ayurveda and Yoga Training Fundamentals – Now on Demand
If you have any comments or questions regarding the Blog Posts, Training, etc., please let us know.
November 2024 Yoga Newsletter
Groan… Vacation
So, despite a self-imposed travel ban for 2024, I was strongly encouraged and am now on a two-week “vacation.”
“Self-imposed travel Ban, that’s weird.” Trust me, I know that’s what you might be thinking because I’ve had a few strange looks from people I’ve told. In short, the travel ban is so I can sincerely put effort into my work, practice, and ongoing projects. No travel = no excuses.
Now, to the armchair psychologists diagnosing that I can’t unplug or need constant stimulation, etc., I invite you to look at my history of 10-day Vipassana silent meditation retreats.
In my heart beats what many would call a “workaholic.” I say I love to work and always have. So, I’ve always had a complicated relationship with taking a Vacation. Try as I may, but I haven’t been able to reconcile this relationship. So, like all complex relationships, you make compromises and conditions. My condition is that I’ll go on vacation, but only if I can work there.
I know my “condition” has coloured many of my experiences, and I don’t need to go into that here. But it’s not a stretch to theorize that it’s hard to go into something unattached to some conditions or outcomes. Or maybe, I’m just rationalizing.
Oh well, the guarantee is that I’ll be working until the day I die and will love every minute of it.
Here is what I have for you this Month – Kevin
- November Live Online Yin Yoga Training (Starting Soon)
- 200 Hour YTT Coming February 2025
- Healing Your Chakras Course: A Holistic Chakra Training
- Yoga Teacher Refresher Course
If you have any comments or questions regarding the Blog Posts, Training, etc., please let us know.
October 2024 Yoga Newsletter
Holy Chakras and Training O Plenty
Remember when I said September 1st is the “new” New Year? Well, I took that pretty seriously regarding my Yoga Practice.
After several months of rebuilding (or overbuilding) my base yoga Practice, I’ve been practicing the Intermediate Series quite Hard. Something about many backbends and some foot behind the head makes me a bit spacy and sensitive. In short, it’s been a Chakra Bomb. 🤣
Indeed, there has been an adoption period; Geoff (my teacher) has me adding a few things to keep my brain centered during the practice.
My sage advice is to start if you aren’t backbending and do more if you are.
Now, back to business, we added a lot this Month. Scroll down and check it out – Kevin
- 200 Hour YTT Coming February 2025
- Learn About Yoga and Deepen Your Practice
- Journaling for Yoga Classes, Retreats, and Workshops
- Refresh Your Practice – A Fall Yoga Flow Series
- November Live Online Yin Yoga Training with Bernie Clark
If you have any comments or questions regarding the Blog Posts, Training, etc., please let us know.
September 2024 Yoga Newsletter
Is September 1 the “new” New Year?
With week one of September done and all the recent activity, it feels like a new year. It’s like the Yoga Phoenix has risen from the ashes.
- After a summer of sometimes “ghost town” attendance, the Shala I practice at is packed with Yogis
- Sign-ups for membership and Teacher Training at Asana at Home have surged, and we’re seeing a significant increase in course completions. A clear sign that Yoga Phoenix has risen.
But this is nothing unusual. When I think back to when I started something new, it usually happened in September. And it coincides logically with the restarting of School and routines. It’s been a while since my children were School-aged, but I remember the settled or comforting feeling of restarting routines. Perhaps it was also the tiny sliver of freedom gained by outsourcing the caregiving to the School. Lol
Here is what I have for you this Month – Kevin
- Yoga Teacher Guest Bloggers, We Want You
- 12 Root Chakra Essential Oils: Scents to Feel Grounded
- 46 Best Books for Yoga Teachers – The Essential List
- 5 Yoga Journaling Tips to Deepen Your Practice
- Fundamentals Ayurveda and Yoga Training – Starting Soon
- November 2024 Yin Yoga Teacher Training Live Online
If you have any comments or questions regarding the Blog Posts, Training, etc., please let us know.
August 2024 Yoga Newsletter
Summer and Working on the Yoga Biz
I’m sorry, but I couldn’t come up with deep thoughts, reflections, or learning this past month. So, I’m going to my default and share a little Asana at Home Business with You.
July is historically a slow month in the Yoga Business. I guess people want to do more things outside or go on vacation. For the Asana at Home People, July is an excellent month to do more “work on the business.” Here are a few things we are working on.
- This fall, we will introduce courses on chakras, yoga and journaling, cardiovascular health and yoga, etc.
- We will offer pre-and postnatal yoga, Yoga Philosophy, specialized Chair Yoga, and more early next year.
- Registration for Fundamentals or Ayurveda and Yoga Training is now open to the public. Sign up today to Learn with Nathalie.
- We hit 10,000 Followers on Facebook 🙌. Are you Following us?
BTW, is there a training that we should offer? Reply with your thoughts.
And here is everything else I have for you this month – Kevin
- Root Grounding Meditation Script – Earth, Tree, Ocean
- Pitta Personality Traits: Understanding Ayurveda Dosha
- Yoga at Your Desk: Free Printable Sequence and Videos
- Contortion Poses – Flexibility the Ashtanga Yoga Way
If you have any comments or questions regarding the Blog Posts, Training, etc., please let us know.
July 2024 Yoga Newsletter
Resolutions in July?
I’ve been mulling about a productivity experiment for several months, and in June, I tried it. I traded practicing at home instead of at the Shala (a 65-minute round-trip commute) to save time and add it to my work day.
You might think, “Well, this is an easy experiment; how boring.” Then I’d like you to consider whether starting or stopping something is harder.
The results were surprising and yet not entirely unexpected.
The Yoga Practice: Regarding the number of sessions, at home it dropped to around 80% of normal. Total time spent doing yoga was about half of what I would do at the Shala.
Mind and mood: I wasn’t as sharp or alert as usual, and my energy level was more variable.
More hours worked: Yes, however, when I consider the quality and quantity of output, I’m not convinced it increased measurably. For example, gaining 20% more time and spending it on work did not net 20% more results.
There are several reasons why this experiment didn’t yield the desired results. It could be that I needed more structure, more human interactions, different scenery (I work from home), or more yoga.
Was the experiment a failure? Nah, because sometimes I have an idea, and the only way to put it out of my mind is to do it. Plus, there is almost always something I learn that is unexpected.
In case you were wondering, I’m back at the Shala.
This is what I have for you this month – Kevin
- Exercise for a Clean Stomach
- Mewing vs Nabho Mudra
- Yoga Body Types: Vata, Pitta, Kapha Ayurveda Doshas
- New Ayurveda Training – Save the Dates
You Love Yoga, We Love Yoga—Let’s Stay Connected
Get yoga tips, a little inspiration, and friendly emails—because yoga is better with friends.
June 2024 Yoga Newsletter
June is Yoga Month
A few weeks back, I was going down some “Google Trends” rabbit holes. I discovered that people show the most interest in Yoga for two months a year. January is one of those months (that’s pretty easy). Can you guess the second?
Interest in Yoga is at its highest in June. Which at first was a bit puzzling to me since Yoga studios often see the summer slow down around this time. So what is it?
Since 2015, every June 21, the International Day of Yoga, has created the greatest buzz around Yoga. Briefly lifting our practice out of the niche and into the mainstream, reminding the world that Yoga is here.
June has many special days and themes, such as Father’s Day and Pride Month, and I believe that it can also be Yoga Month.
So, let’s all do our part and remind the world that Yoga is here. Post on social media, write blogs, participate in local events, and talk to your non-yoga friends about Yoga. And yes, you may get some rolling eyes doing the last suggestion, but it’s only for a month.
Lastly, congratulations to all the students that completed the May Yin Yoga Teacher Training. We thank you for your enthusiasm and commitment to growing the Practice.
This is what I have for you this month – Kevin
- International Day Of Yoga 2024: Celebrate The Practice
- 30 Day Yoga Challenge Get Started Today
- Why Yoga Teacher Continuing Education Is Important
- Yoga Teacher Vs Instructor: What’s The Difference?
May 2024 Yoga Newsletter
Hurray for May
May is my Favourite Month. There is something about this month that energizes my capacity and ambition. These days, when I’m not plunking away on the computer, I’m outside tackling my backyard projects. By the way, I think the planter boxes I built last year will be operational this year 🤣.
That energy extends to our offerings, too, with the Launch of our Chair Yoga Teacher Training and the May Online Yin Yoga Teacher Training.
Mother’s Day is just around the corner. So, to all the mothers (human and pet), a Happy Mother’s Day to you. Mothers are our everything, and we certainly don’t appreciate you enough.
This is what I have for you this month – Kevin
- Building a Home Gym
- Yin Yoga: A Guide To The Practice, Benefits, And Myths
- What is Sound Meditation?
- May Yin Yoga Teacher Training – Starting Soon
- Chair Yoga Teacher Training – Registration Open
- Yoga Clubs and Classes
April 2024 Yoga Newsletter
Yoga Education is Never Ending
Years ago, when I completed my Yoga Teacher Training there, the most profound thing I learned was how little I knew about yoga. Since then, I have been on this weird and winding journey of different Yoga styles, meditation, philosophy, and training. Simply put, Yoga Teacher Training was the appetizer to a Yoga Feast.
What I also learned is that I’m not alone. Never in my career, hobbies, and interests have I met a group of people (Yogis) with an insatiable hunger to Learn. Which is lucky for me because I chose to be at the center of it.
This is what I have for you this Month – Kevin
- Sanskrit Yoga Poses: How To Translate Asanas And Why
- The 7 Chakras And Their Meaning – Beginner’s Guide
- Mudras And Mantras: Two Powerful Meditation Tools Explained
- Chair Yoga Teacher Training – Coming Soon
- New Yoga Club
- More YouTube Videos
- Yin Yoga Teacher and Mediation Training
March 2024 Newsletter
Spring is Coming
Winter is a time of rest, recovery, and going within. And, for me, this past winter was much more the case. With my jaw surgery and Lene’s hip replacement, my home has become a pop-up post-op recovery center. So, I’m grateful for the coming spring and its power to pull forward. To put a break on rest and wake up with the world.
BTW, I’ve got a lot of medical devices at the moment (crutches, fancy icepack thing, etc.). So if you need anything, let me know. 😊
Here’s what I have for you this month – Kevin
- I Can’t Sleep. Podcast and Resources
- Got Yoga Content? Talk to us.
- Free Month of On Demand Library
- New Yoga Club
- More YouTube Videos
- Yin Yoga Teacher and Mediation Training
February 2024 Yoga Newsletter
The Joy of Process
The quote in the header resonates with me. It asks us to consider the methods we undertake in our goals. We should be cautious of methods that rationalize an end. Refrain from marching headstrong to a reward and lose sight of the process and the misery some methods cause.
As we work toward meaningful change, the joy in the process matters and is its own reward.
Here’s what I have for you this month – Kevin
- On-demand Video Library: A major renovation
- Pod Cast Nyk Danu: Yin vs Restorative Yoga
- Yoga Teachers: We want You
- Recent Blog Posts
- More YouTube Videos
You Love Yoga, We Love Yoga—Let’s Stay Connected
Get yoga tips, a little inspiration, and friendly emails—because yoga is better with friends.
January 2024 Newsletter
Welcome to 2024 Yoga Friends
What is it about leading to the New Year that makes us think, “After Jan 1st, I’m going to _____”. Usually, the blank contains words like start, stop, loose, gain, etc, followed by another word representing what we want to effect.
The quote in this email header is a bit fitting to these New Year Thoughts. It tells us that we all have the opportunity to move the needle and make change every day.
Sorry, New Year’s Day…. change is available anytime.
BTW your clicks have spoken so I’ve included more Pod Cast Links for you.
Here is what’s new this month – Kevin
- Christina Raskin is here to Take Asana at Home Yoga education to the Next Level
- Podcast Eps 155: Keen on Yoga, Adam talks to Bernie about Yoga Injuries
- Podcast Eps 465: Lucas Rockwood, Does Yoga Work for Weight Loss?
- Nathalie Keiller Has a New Hatha Yoga Class
- New Posts on The Blog
- It is the New year so why not sign up for a Training?
December 2023 Yoga Newsletter
December is Here Already?
Looking at the Headline, I had to chuckle as it’s something I say every year, and maybe you too. Is it a habit, or is time truly passing by quicker?
Recovering from Jaw surgery and thus being mostly home-bound made for a marvellously productive Month. New Videos, Posts, Classes, Training etc. I did some Tinkering with the Website as well.
And congratulations to the newly minted Yin Yoga Teachers for completing the November Yin Yoga Teacher Training
Lastly, I apologize if I drove you mad with all the Asana at Home Black Friday/Cyber Monday Marketing emails. It is a bit of a necessary evil. But you are reading this email, which means you are still subscribed, and I thank you for that.
Here is what’s new this month – Kevin
- 2024 Online Yin Yoga Teacher Training Registration is open. *New Payment Options*
- Yin Yoga: A Guide To The Practice, Benefits, And Myths
- Yoga Mat Size Chart: A Guide To Your Perfect Mat
- Nerve Gliding Exercises For Shoulder: Ultimate Guide
- Butterfly Yoga Pose – How To Unlock The Benefits
- Saddle Pose Yin Yoga Supta Vajrasana – Complete Guide
- Three Part Daoist Breathing – Benefits And How To
- New Videos on Our YouTube channel – Too Many to list
- Give the Gift of Asana at Home
November 2023 Newsletter
Going a bit off script this Month, I am sharing a few interesting things I found online and wrote about. I’ve included links below. Enjoy – Kevin
- Resident Teacher Trainer Bernie Clark Speaks with Adam Keen about Hip Replacements
- Paul Grilley, Co-creator of Yin Yoga, gets interviewed by Yin Yoga Trainer and friend of Asana at Home, Nyk Danu
- Yin vs Yang Yoga? – Let’s settle the debate
- What is Rocket Yoga ?- Here is a hint: it’s not very Yin 😉
- Yin Yoga Teacher Training November 13 – Sign up soon; time is ticking
- Our YouTube channel, Asana at Home, has been constantly updated with unique content.
You Love Yoga, We Love Yoga—Let’s Stay Connected
Get yoga tips, a little inspiration, and friendly emails—because yoga is better with friends.
October 2023 Yoga Newsletter
Yoga Newsletter Highlights
- 30 Day Yoga Challenge – Restarting The Practice
- Yin Yoga Teacher Training – Live Online
- Asana at Home Yoga Blog – New Articles
- Vinyasa Flow Yoga – With Michelle Burks
- Deepen Your Connection with Yin Yoga
September 2023 Newsletter
Yoga Newsletter Highlights
- The Benefits Of Yoga In The Workplace
- Yoga Affirmations for a Positive and Powerful Mind
- Yoga for Flexibility Returns
- Step into Leadership with Online Yoga Teacher Training
- Practice On Your Terms with On-Demand Yoga
July 2023 Yoga Newsletter
Yoga Newsletter Highlights
- Unlock the Wisdom of Kemetic Yoga
- Dive into the Serenity of Caterpillar Pose
- Heart Chakra Mantras for Inner Peace
- Deepening Your Practice and Expanding Your Knowledge: Embrace the Path of Lifelong Learning
June 2023 Newsletter
Yoga Newsletter Highlights
- The Healing Power of Sound Meditation
- Melting Heart
- Unlocking Flexibility
- Continuing Your Practice on Your Time
May 2023 Yoga Newsletter
Yoga Newsletter Highlights
- Root Grounding
- Solar Plexus Chakra Affirmations
- Best Books for Yoga Teachers
- Continuing Your Practice & Education
April 2023 Newsletter
Yoga Newsletter Highlights
- Yin Yoga Teacher Training
- New on the Blog
- Do you have Blocked Third Eye Chakra Symptoms?
- Mudras and Mantras
- Yoga Mat Storage Solutions
- The Purple Chakra Meaning and Colors – Crown Chakra