Yoga Blog

Yoga Blog Articles

Explore articles on yoga practice, meditation, wellbeing, recipes, chakras, yoga teaching, and philosophy to support you at every stage of your journey.

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Yoga Teacher Melissa, a Caucasian female teaching yoga online from her home
Beginner Yoga Blog

24 Best Tips for Starting Yoga

You might have heard of this great new thing from friends, family or from someone online and told yourself why not give it a try. The list below will provide you with the right way to start your journey.

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The benefits of a regular yoga practice. Women practicing yoga on a dock by a lake at sunrise.
Beginner Yoga Blog

Benefits of a Regular Yoga Practice

I knew that having a regular yoga practice would help me deal with some general aches and pains I had, but I was surprised at some of the other benefits I saw after starting my yoga journey. And it doesn’t take all that long to see these incredible benefits either! Here are some of the changes I noticed just a few weeks after starting a dedicated yoga practice.

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African young woman doing yoga virtual class with laptop at home
Beginner Yoga Blog

How to Make Time for Yoga

In the past few years, I’ve needed yoga more than ever, so I’ve found ways to make sure I have time to devote to my yoga practice. Let me share some of those ways I make time for yoga.

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Mother and Daughter doing an online live streamed yoga class together
Beginner Yoga Blog

Benefits of Online Yoga: Practice Anywhere

Gone are the days when doing a yoga class meant I had to pack up my yoga mat and props before driving or walking to the yoga studio. Online yoga classes have thankfully increased in popularity over the last few years, and I couldn’t be happier! Not just because…

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Rico a black chihuahua looking at camera wearing a studded collar a blurred background. Yoga Dog Names. Rescue Dog
Yoga Blog

Our New Booking Platform Is Live

Our New Booking Platform Is Live I’m happy to announce that we have moved to a new booking platform.  For Asana at Home Clients, from our old platform, here is how to activate your account. Click this link and it will bring you to a “Reset Password” webpage that will ask you to enter your email (the one used to book classes previously) You will get an email from “Marvelous” ([email protected]) subject line “Forgot Password.” Click the link in the email. it will bring you to a webpage that will say “Set New Password.”Enter in your New Password Voila, you are

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Awesome Changes Coming Asana at Home
Yoga Blog

Awesome Changes Coming

Awesome Changes Coming Awesome Changes Coming When Asana at Home launched, it was proof of concept, and I made software selections that supported the concept. Software selections that were simple, low-cost, easy to abandon and would get the job done. Always knowing we would move to another more sophisticated platform when we learned what our customers and we needed. I’m happy to announce, that move is happening July 1 Some things you can expect with the new platform   1. Classes will be easier to book. Further, you will know what booked in a more user-friendly interface 2. Packages that are

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RISTO DUGGAN - Yoga Teacher Asana at Home. Talks about his yoga teacher journey
Yoga Instructor Blog

You Should Be Doing This

At one of the classes, he was scheduled to take, the yoga teacher didn’t show up. Risto at the time had been practicing a variety of yoga theories at home and decided to make use of what he already knew.

Risto had pointed out to the class that they had came them to stretch and offered to guide the class along with what he had been doing at home and at the very least they could get a stretch out of it.

At the end of the class, a couple of people came up to Risto and told him that

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Karlee and Issac. Boy sitting on woman after an online vinyasa flow yoga class
Beginner Yoga Blog

Toast with a side of Vinyasa Flow

If you knew me pre-pandemic you know I would have barfed at the idea of attending anything or even a vinyasa flow class at 6:30 a.m.

Generally, yes, I am awake before that time almost every day. Do I have any desire to warm-up my vehicle and drive somewhere to work-out or do yoga? No.

The driving part and being somewhat presentable is what kills me. I prefer to spend my mornings still in my pajamas and stationed in a somewhat dimly lit kitchen while I come to life.

Fast-forward to one year into a pandemic and working from

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Risto Duggan teaching an arm balance to an online rocket yoga class
Yoga Instructor Blog

Journey to Teaching Yoga Online

Journey to teaching online Yoga My teaching online Yoga began in 2020. But I started teaching yoga in person, at the end of 2006. By the end of 2007, I was a full-time Yoga Teacher, as I was slowly moving away from pursuing Acting in Film and Television. My passion for being in the spotlight shifted from being this character I created to just being myself and helping people by sharing my journey! This just felt so authentic and real… It was an incredibly physical and mental journey, though, I must say. For the first three years, I was basically resetting

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