Our New Booking Platform Is Live
I’m happy to announce that we have moved to a new booking platform.
For Asana at Home Clients, from our old platform, here is how to activate your account.
Click this link https://app.heymarvelous.com/asana-at-home/reset and it will bring you to a “Reset Password” webpage that will ask you to enter your email (the one used to book classes previously)
You will get an email from “Marvelous” ([email protected]) subject line “Forgot Password.”
Click the link in the email. it will bring you to a webpage that will say “Set New Password.”
Enter in your New Password
Voila, you are good to go.
Once logged in, you can buy class passes in “Shop” and Sign Up for Classes in “Calendar.” You can also access this area by going to https://asanaathome.com/yoga-schedule/ and clicking the “Login” at the top right corner of the schedule
You can edit your profile, notification settings, etc., by clicking the drop-down menu next to your name at the top right corner and select “My Account.”
Looking Forward to Seeing You at Class, please feel free to contact me with any technical issues.