Blocked Third Eye Chakra Symptoms and How to Heal Anja

When the third eye chakra is blocked, we might encounter many physical, emotional, and spiritual imbalances. So, what is this curious dark purple chakra, and what is its meaning? What are the symptoms of a blocked third eye chakra? Third eye headache? Lastly, how do we heal the physical and mental imbalances related to this energy center?

What is the Third Eye - Indigo (Dark Purple) Chakra?

The third eye chakra, also known as the sixth Chakra or Ajna chakra, is located in the center of the forehead, between the throat chakra (VISHUDDHA) and Crown Chakra (SAHASRARA). 

Anja Chakra (sanskrit name), is associated with the pineal gland and indigo or dark Purple color. The third eye chakra is responsible for our sixth sense, intuition, inner wisdom, and ability to see beyond the physical world (psychic abilities). It is one of the primary energy centers in the spiritual chakra system and plays a vital role in our overall health and spiritual awareness. 

When the third eye chakra is blocked, we can experience a vairety of physical, emotional, and spiritual symptoms

Chakra Symbols, Third Eye Chakra - AJNA - Intuition, Lucidity, Meditation, Trust - "I SEE" awareness of the colour purple helps address blocked third eye chakra symptoms. the 6th of 7 chakras
Third Eye Chakra "Ajna" is Associated with the Color Indigo or Dark Purple

Symptoms of a Blocked Third Eye Chakra

When the third eye chakra is blocked, we may experience a variety of physical and emotional imbalances. Some of the following blocked third eye chakra symptoms may indicate a chakra blockage.

  • Lack of intuition: When our third eye chakra is blocked, we may experience symptoms such as trouble accessing our intuition and inner guidance (inner voice).
  • Headaches: Physical imbalances in the third eye chakra can cause a third eye headache, especially in the center of the forehead.
  • Sleep problems: The third eye chakra regulates our circadian rhythms, and a blockage in this chakra can lead to sleep disturbances.
  • Eye problems: A blocked third eye chakra can cause symptoms in our physical eyes, such as blurred vision or sensitivity to light.
  • Lack of focus: The third eye chakra is associated with concentration and focus, so when it is blocked, we may experience symptoms such as trouble staying on task.
  • Mood disorders: A blocked third eye chakra can lead to mood imbalances and mental health issues such as anxiety or depression. Also, see – Sacral Chakra Svadhisthana.
  • Lack of spiritual awareness: The third eye chakra is associated with spiritual awakening and higher consciousness. A blockage in this chakra can hinder our spiritual growth and connection.
  • Negative thinking: When our third eye chakra is blocked, we may be more prone to negative thinking and limiting beliefs.

Best Ways to Heal Blocked Third Eye Chakra Symptoms

Awareness of the Blocked third eye chakra symptoms and Healing the chakra involves addressing the physical and emotional imbalances associated with this energy center. Here are some of the best ways to heal a blocked third eye chakra and help solve the third eye headache.

Silloette of a person sitting in yoga meditation with a bright purple light coming from their forhead, the location of the Third Eye "Ajna" Chakra. meditation on the colour purple to address the blocked third eye chakra symptoms
Focusing on the center of the forehead, visualizing the color indigo (dark purple), we can activate this energy center
  • Meditation practices: Meditation is one of the most effective ways to heal blocked Third eye chakra symptoms. By focusing on the center of the forehead and visualizing the color indigo, we can activate this energy center and improve our intuition and inner guidance.
  • Yoga asanas: Specific yoga poses, such as forward bends and seated postures, can help open up a blocked third eye chakra, improve energy flow, and reduce symptoms in this area.
  • Affirmations: A spiritual practice of Daily third eye chakra affirmations can help to reprogram our subconscious mind and shift our thoughts and beliefs to a more positive and empowering mindset.
  • Essential oils: Lavender, peppermint, and frankincense can activate a blocked third eye chakra, reduce symptoms, and improve intuition and inner vision.
  • Use of chakra stones: Use Crystals such as lapis lazuli and amethyst to heal the third eye chakra and improve our spiritual awareness and connection.
  • Healthy eating: Eating purple foods such as blueberries, grapes, and eggplants can help to activate the third eye chakra and improve our intuition and inner vision.
  • Sound healing: Sound healing, such as listening to binaural beats or chanting the mantra “Om,” can help to activate a blocked third eye chakra, reduce symptoms, and improve our spiritual connection.
  • Setting healthy boundaries: Setting healthy boundaries and practicing self-care can help improve our overall mental and emotional health, which can help heal blocked third eye chakra symptoms. Also See – The Solar plexus chakra (Manipura)
  • Release negative energy: Releasing negative energy is vital to unblocking the third eye chakra.

Yoga Asana Practices for Third Eye Chakra Healing

Along with affirmations and essential oils, yoga, and meditation can help heal and relieve blocked third eye chakra symptoms. Here are some yoga asanas that can help in activating the third eye chakra:

  • Child’s pose (Balasana)
  • Downward-facing dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana)
  • Dolphin pose (Ardha Pincha Mayurasana)
  • Standing forward bend (Uttanasana)
  • Headstand (Sirsasana)
  • Eagle pose (Garudasana)
  • Lotus pose (Padmasana)
man treating blocked third eye chakra symptoms with a standing forward fold. Kevin Parenteau Ashtanga Yoga Teacher
Standing forward bend (Uttanasana) for Healing Third Eye Chakra

Healing Blocked Third Eye Chakra Symptoms with Meditation

Meditation is another powerful tool for healing blocked Third eye chakra symptoms and relief from third eye headaches.

Sit in a comfortable position with your spine straight, and focus on your breath. As you inhale, Imagine the breath starting from the base of the spine, the Root Chakra (MULADHARA), making its way through the chakras and illuminating the third eye. As you exhale, imagine any negative energy or blockages released from your third eye chakra. Visualize a bright indigo light at the center of your forehead, growing more brilliant with every inhale.

Using Crystals for Healing Blocked Third Eye Chakra Symptoms

You can use crystals to heal blocked third eye chakra symptoms. Here are some of the best crystals for activating the third eye chakra:

  • Amethyst
  • Lapis lazuli
  • Clear Quartz
  • Sodalite
  • Fluorite

Place these crystals on your third eye chakra while meditating or carry them throughout the day.

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Eating Purple Foods for Third Eye Chakra Healing

Bins full of purple grapes are a great way to deal with blocked third eye chakra symptoms
Incorporating purple grapes into your diet to aid with Third Eye Chakra Healing

Incorporating dark purple foods into your diet can also aid in Third eye chakra healing. Some examples of purple foods include:

  • Grapes
  • Blueberries
  • Eggplant
  • Beets
  • Red cabbage

These foods are rich in antioxidants and can help remove toxins from the physical body, improving overall health and lessen symptoms of a blocked third eye chakra.

Healthy Eating and Exercise for Third Eye Chakra Healing

In addition to incorporating purple foods into your diet, it’s also essential to maintain a healthy lifestyle through regular exercise and mindful eating. A healthy lifestyle can help promote overall physical health and energy flow, aiding the healing of blocked Third eye chakra symptoms. Try incorporating regular exercise, such as yoga or walking, into your daily routine, and focus on eating whole foods rich in nutrients. Adopting an Ayurveda lifestyle/diet is an excellent option. 

Sound Healing for Third Eye Chakra Healing

Man Treating Blocked Third Eye Chakra Symptoms with a singing bowl. Sound Meditation
Tibetan Singing Bowl for Third Eye Chakra Healing

Sound healing is another effective method for healing blocked Third eye chakra symptoms. For example, chanting the “Om” sound can help to activate the third eye chakra and promote overall balance and harmony. 

You can also listen to binaural beats or other healing music to stimulate the third eye chakra. Playing a singing bowl is an engaging way to make your own healing sounds

Address the Blocked Third Eye Chakra Symptoms for a Happy Anja

The third eye chakra is a vital energy center for strong intuition, inner wisdom, and spiritual awareness. Also, with a happy Anja, we are open to different perspectives and see the bigger picture. When the third eye chakra is blocked and showing symptoms, we may experience various physical and emotional symptoms, including third eye headache, vision problems, and depression. 

By following these tips and incorporating them into your daily routine, you can work towards unblocking and balancing your third eye chakra, improving overall health and a deeper connection to your inner self. Remember that chakra work is a continuous process that may take time to see results. Therefore, be patient and persistent in your efforts; you will eventually see the benefits of a healthy and balanced Third eye chakra. And hopefully no more third eye headache.

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