Sacral Chakra Awakening Symptoms and Healing an Unbalanced Svadhisthana

What is the sacral chakra, and what are its awakening symptoms? The sacral chakra, also known as the sex chakra or svadhisthana chakra (Sanskrit name), is the second of the seven main chakras in the human body. It is located in the lower abdomen, just below the belly button (in the reproductive organs / pubic bone area). It governs our physical and creative energy, sexual energy, and creative expression. The sacral chakra is associated with the element of water and the color orange. It is the dwelling place of the self.

When the sacral chakra is balanced and open, we feel a healthy flow of energy and a sense of vitality, passion, and creativity. However, when the sacral chakra is blocked or unbalanced, it can lead to physical health, emotional, and spiritual issues. 

This article will explore some symptoms of awakening the sacral chakra and how to heal an unbalanced, overactive, or blocked chakra.

sacral chakra awakening symptoms - Sacral Chakra Symbol, Orange mandala flower, SVADHISTHANA - Sensuality, Sexuality, Pleasure, Sociability. the 2nd of 7 chakras
Sacral "Svadhisthana" Chakra is Associated with the Color Orange

Sacral Chakra Awakening Symptoms

When the sacral chakra opens or awakens, it can lead to various symptoms, such as heightened sexual desire, increased energy, and spiritual experiences. These sacral chakra opening symptoms can be intense, and awareness of them is essential.

Taking care of our physical and emotional bodies during awakening is also essential. 

Signs of an Overactive Sacral Chakra

Excessive sacral chakra energy can lead to an overactive sex drive, addiction, and an unhealthy attachment to sensual pleasures. Sacral chakra awakening symptoms can include a lack of focus and disconnection from the higher chakras. 

To balance an overactive sacral chakra:

Signs of a Blocked, Deficient or Unbalanced Sacral Chakra

On the other hand, a deficient or awakening sacral chakra can lead to symptoms such as a lack of passion and motivation, emotional numbness, and a sense of disconnection from our creative potential.

To heal symptoms from a deficient or awakened sacral chakra: 

  • We can practice yoga asanas that focus on the lower and sacral chakra, such as the goddess pose, yoga squats (malasana), and hip circles. 
  • We can also incorporate orange foods into our diet and use essential oils for Sacral Chakra, such as orange and ylang-ylang, to promote energy flow.
Women practicing yoga squat on a beach of a lake. awareness of sacral chakra awakening symptoms
Yoga Squat "Malasana" is a Great Yoga Asana for Sacral Chakra Healing

Unbalanced Sacral Chakra Physical Symptoms

An unbalanced or over-awakening sacral chakra can manifest in various physical symptoms, such as lower back pain, reproductive organ problems, sexual dysfunction, low energy, and low libido. If you experience these physical issues, it may be a sign of a blocked sacral chakra.

To help balance the sacral chakra:

  • You can practice physical exercise and yoga asanas that focus from the base of the spine through the hips and lower abdomen, such as hip circles, Yoga Squats (malasana), goddess poses (Utkata konasana), and low lunges (Anjaneyasana)
  • You can also warm bath with essential oils, such as orange or ylang-ylang, to promote energy flow.
  • Nutrition also plays a role in the health of our chakras. For example, eating orange foods like sweet potatoes and carrots can help nourish the sacral chakra and promote healing.

Unbalanced Sacral Chakra Emotional Issues

An unbalanced sacral chakra (svadhisthana) can lead to emotional instability, lack of passion, addictive behaviors, and fear of change. It can also affect our sense of self and ability to form healthy intimate relationships. 

In healing emotional symptoms associated with the sacral chakra awakening, we must work on our emotional health and set healthy boundaries. 

We can also practice Sacral Chakra Affirmations, deep breathing (pranayama) and meditation to help release negative emotions and promote a sense of calm.

Sacral Chakra the Key to Creative Potential

sacral chakra symbol, orange circles with flower like petals, over top of a sunset through a wave in the ocean. sacral chakra awakening symptoms
Unlock Creative Potential with the Sacral Chakra

The sacral chakra connects to our creative potential and ability to express ourselves. Conversely, an imbalanced or over-awakening sacral chakra can lead to a lack of motivation, inspiration, and creative stagnation symptoms. 

To help unlock our creative potential, we can practice creative endeavors, such as art or writing, and connect with the energy of the second chakra. We can also wear the color orange or carry orange calcite, a sacral chakra symbol.

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Essential Steps for sacral chakra awakening symptoms and General Health

Sacral Chakra healing is integral to maintaining our physical and mental health. To work on the sacral chakra, we can follow these essential steps:

  • Recognize the sacral chakra awakening symptoms or an imbalanced sacral chakra, such as physical issues, emotional instability, lack of or too much passion, and limited creative focus or stagnation.
  • Regular physical exercise and yoga practice focusing on the lower abdomen and the hips promote the flow of the sacral chakra energy.
  • Nourish the sacral chakra with orange foods and use essential oils, such as orange and ylang-ylang, to promote healing.
  • Practice Sacral Chakra Affirmations, meditation, and deep breathing to release negative emotions and promote a sense of calm.
  • Connect with the water element and spend time near the water to promote energy flow.
  • Practice creative endeavors and connect with the sacral energy of the chakra to unlock our creative potential.
Female yoga teacher Blef demonstrating Goddess Pose yoga asana awareness sacral chakra awakening symptoms
Yoga practice focusing on the lower abdomen and the hips promote the flow of the sacral chakra

Why Sacral Chakra Awakening Symptoms Matter

The sacral chakra is an important energy center in the subtle physical body. It governs our physical and creative energy, sexual energy, and creative expression. 

When the sacral chakra is balanced and open, we feel a healthy flow of energy and a sense of vitality, passion, and creativity. However, when the sacral chakra is awakened, blocked, or unbalanced, it can lead to physical, emotional, and spiritual symptoms.

We can practice physical exercise, yoga asanas, and meditation to heal the sacral chakra and connect with the water element and our creative potential.

 It is also essential to recognize sacral chakra awakening symptoms or an imbalanced sacral chakra and take steps to promote its healing. Doing so can enhance our physical and mental health and cultivate healthy relationships with ourselves and others.

References Wikipedia

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