Beginner Yoga Blog

Beginner Yoga Blog Articles

Explore articles on yoga practice, meditation, wellbeing, recipes, chakras, yoga teaching, and philosophy to support you at every stage of your journey.

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The benefits of a regular yoga practice. Women practicing yoga on a dock by a lake at sunrise.
Beginner Yoga Blog

Benefits of a Regular Yoga Practice

I knew that having a regular yoga practice would help me deal with some general aches and pains I had, but I was surprised at some of the other benefits I saw after starting my yoga journey. And it doesn’t take all that long to see these incredible benefits either! Here are some of the changes I noticed just a few weeks after starting a dedicated yoga practice.

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Karlee and Issac. Boy sitting on woman after an online vinyasa flow yoga class
Beginner Yoga Blog

Toast with a side of Vinyasa Flow

If you knew me pre-pandemic you know I would have barfed at the idea of attending anything or even a vinyasa flow class at 6:30 a.m.

Generally, yes, I am awake before that time almost every day. Do I have any desire to warm-up my vehicle and drive somewhere to work-out or do yoga? No.

The driving part and being somewhat presentable is what kills me. I prefer to spend my mornings still in my pajamas and stationed in a somewhat dimly lit kitchen while I come to life.

Fast-forward to one year into a pandemic and working from

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