Yoga Teacher


Nyk Danu - Yoga Teacher Asana at Home

Yoga Therapist and Yin Yoga Teacher Trainer

Nyk Danu - Yoga Teacher Asana at Home
Hi! I’m Nyk Danu — fiercely independent Sagittarius, misfit, introvert, bookworm, cat charmer, crow whisperer, Buddhist, seeker of truth, peaceful warrior and pro-activist who’s not-so-secretly out to save the world. I never planned to practice Yoga. As a former rock ‘n roll, smoking, rebellious type, Yoga wasn’t even on my radar. In fact, I went to my first Yoga class as a favour to a friend. But that class was a complete game-changer. For the first time that I could remember my normally frantic mind was only paying attention to one thing. And physically I felt amazing! I walked out of that first class feeling like I had shoes made of clouds. This was it. I was in love. Yoga forever. So eventually I decided to teach Yoga. I teach Therapeutic Yoga to MisFits. Gen Xers (and sometimes Y) who don’t feel at home in mainstream Yoga circles: the rebels, underdogs, introverts, geeks, and bookworms. As a Yoga Therapist, my specialty is helping people with Back Pain and Anxiety. All the Yoga I teach is Therapeutic, but I am most known for (and have a massive crush on) Yin Yoga and teach Yin Yoga Teacher Trainings. My personal practice and Yoga classes are rooted in Buddhism, Taoism and Traditional Chinese Medicine. You can expect a foundation Mindfulness, and gratitude in my classes.

Therapeutic Yoga for MisFits

I’m a learning addict. So in addition to numerous Therapeutic & Restorative Yoga intensives, I have the following teacher training certificates:

– 300 hour Yoga teacher training – The Yoga College Of Canada
– 500 hour advanced Yin Yoga Teaching certificate – Paul Grilley 
– 1000 hour Yoga Therapy Certification – Ajna Yoga College

I have also completed 2,300 hours of Chinese Medicine studies and 360 hours additional Bio-medical studies at Pacific Rim College.

My deepest wish for you:

Is that, throughout our practice together, you gain the tools and the time you need to feel better physically and to become happier, healthier, and relaxed. That, in turn, will affect your loved ones and communities, so that others benefit from our practice together as well.

woman starting to do kapotasana ashtanga yoga asana. contortion poses name
Yoga Poses
Contortion Poses – Flexibility the Ashtanga Yoga Way

Ashtanga Yoga is a disciplined practice emphasizing the integration of flexibility and strength in the body. This article will explore various types of contortion poses names, ranging from intermediate poses to the hardest contortion moves, requiring extreme flexibility performed by advanced yoga practitioners or professional contortionists.

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woman sitting on toilet holding her stomach. constipated. needs exercise to clean
Health Blog
Exercise for a Clean Stomach: 8 Ways To Better Gut Health

Maintaining a healthy digestive system is crucial for overall well-being, ensuring our bodies can efficiently process and absorb nutrients. One effective method to support digestive health is through regular exercise. This article explores the importance of incorporating exercise to clean the stomach. Highlighting various exercises and lifestyle changes that can enhance digestion and promote a healthy gut. Understanding and applying these practices can significantly improve your digestive health and overall quality of life.

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Sphinx Yoga Pose shown with blocks under the elbows and feet in the air
Yoga Poses
Sphinx and Seal Yoga Pose: Salamba Bhujangasana Guide

The Sphinx Pose, or Salamba Bhujangasana in Sanskrit, is a fundamental yoga posture renowned for its simplicity and profound benefits. This beginner-level asana is an excellent introduction to backbends and core strengthening exercises in yoga. Its close cousin, Seal Pose in Yin Yoga, offers advanced practitioners a deeper backbend.
The Sphinx Pose name comes from its resemblance to the mythical Sphinx, with its majestic and poised appearance. In Sanskrit, “Salamba” means supported, and “Bhujangasana” refers to a cobra. This pose is a gentler variant of the Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana), making it suitable for beginners or those with back sensitivity.

The seal yoga pose name comes from its animal’s name sake. The pose attempts to imitate a Seal on its front fins upright and proud

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